The days of having to turn off your own lights and adjust your own thermostat are gone.With recent advances in wireless communication technology...
The company says its new mobile tools allow customers to try out different interface and content changes to their iOS apps in real-time, without going through...
First Google partnered with the owner of Ray-Ban and Oakley sunglass brands in its fight to make Google Glass cool. Now it is adding hype with a daily deal.
Facebook may have gummed up its messaging works by killing the feature that lets users send messages directly within its mobile app. Instead, they must go....
As promised, Microsoft is ending regular support for Windows XP on Tuesday -- and as expected, that will leave many organizations and individuals using the old but....
Today Facebook begins rolling out a new opt-in feature called Nearby Friends. It lets friends see approximately how far away you are from them.....
This past week, conflicting reports about Nike leaked, suggesting either big changes or outright abandonment of its high-profile Fuelband line.....
It’s been there since the Shine launched last year, on the back of the packaging, right below the Arabic. What’s that weird language there?
When Google acquired smart thermostat maker Nest for $3.2 billion, the startup quickly stated that it would never share its user data with other...